One Breath at a Time - Salatu E. Sule

"When I was a teenager, I had dreams of my future life. I would get a degree, get a nice job, marry a nice man and have children: two boys and two girls. Uncomplicated and neat, these dreams were as devoid of details as they were of trauma, upheavals or death. Like many people, the life I imagined was clear, simple, and nice. Now I look back on my life and I see the many things, both pleasant and unpleasant, that I hadn’t dreamt of—such as death. The only death I foresaw in my teenage imagination was my own death at a ripe old age."

Life is not always easy. We face challenges, difficulties and hardship throughout our life journey. These highs and lows are a part of life. Sometimes however, we need that reminder that Allah is always there and these moments of hardship are not punishments but trials from Him to strengthen us, guide us and elevate us….one breath at a time.

When a loved one dies, our world shifts. The pain rises up front and centre of our minds, blocking out a lot of what we know and understand. Realising and coping with the shock and trauma is never an easy task.

When Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم passed away and people were talking about it, Umar threatened to kill anyone who said that the Prophet was dead. He was deeply affected by grief, as were other companions. It took Abu Bakr’s recitation of the words of Allah (‘Muhammad is no more than a messenger, and indeed messengers have passed away before him’ Al–Imran 3:144) to calm Umar and other companions. Faith, and knowing that we are never alone, shines a light in the dark spaces that grief creates within the heart. This book offers faith–inspired insights about grief and how to build resilience, one breath at a time.

"For our families who grieved and still grieve; For two women whose personal stories of grief gave me strength; and everyone who has been touched by adversity"

Salatu is passionate about books, nature, learning and teaching. She is happily married with children and lives in Minna, Nigeria.


My gratitude goes to Allah for the strength He gave me, one breath at
a time, during those difficult times; and for the insights He gave me
so that I could make meaning of grief.
One Breath at a Time - Finding Solace in Faith - Salatu E. Sule

9781847741677 - Paperback - Kube Publishing