Discover the Best in Your Relationships: Life Coaching For Muslims


Discover the best in your relationships is the second book in the ‘Discover the best in you’ series. This self-help book looks at how to improve your relationships with your inner and outer circles in order to life a happier and content life. Accompanied with diagrams, charts, exercises and examples and quotes from the Qur’an and sunnah, this book will prove to be a great companion through your life journey.

Discover the Best in your Relationships provides you with practical strategies to turn any difficult relationship around. Sayeda Habib introduces general concepts that apply to all relationships and then addresses specific relationship areas in detail. She lays out practical exercises that will help you enhance the relationships that matter most.

You will learn to develop more self-compassion, let go of old baggage with siblings, develop communication skills, reduce the impact of stress in your relationships, learn strategies for tantrum-free parenting, combat emotional blackmail and more. Examples from the Qur’an and the Hadith, along with personal case studies, provide valuable inspiration to help transform any
strained relationship!

Kinship is a trial from Allah. Whoever maintains its ties will have ties with Allah, and whoever severs those ties will have them severed by Allah. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

This book is a deep-dive into how human beings “do” relationships. You will learn some concepts that are important for relationships in general. Next, this book will help you explore a specific relationship that you wish to improve. Most of the relationships that impact our lives on a daily basis are covered here. Do keep in mind that some of these principles can be applied to relationships that have not been directly mentioned.
As with the previous book, you can read the chapters that are relevant to you. However, I do recommend that you read the first two chapters before diving in to the others. These two chapters give you the foundations upon which the rest of the book rests.

What can you expect from this journey? As with the previous book, I invite you to work with this book just as you would in person with a life coach. Coaching is a process that helps you go from where you are to where you truly want to be. It’s a process based on gentle inquiry and it’s designed to provide a safe, non-judgmental space where you, the client, can truly explore how to enhance a specific area of your life.
"And the soul and Him Who made it perfect, Then He inspired it to understand what is right and wrong for it; He will indeed be successful who purifies it, And he will indeed fail who corrupts it." Qur’an 91:7–10

Coaching does require some work – it is not a process that’s done to you. In fact, it’s a process that you fully engage with at every step. When you are “coachable”, you will discover things that you really love about yourself, and you will gain some personal insights about that which may challenge you as well. I trust that if you approach this book with an open mind, and with a willingness to coach yourself, you will make productive changes that stay with you for the long term. If you would like to know more about life coaching, please refer to the first chapter in my previous book, Discover the Best in You.

As you start to reflect and explore, imagine that I am present, sitting with you and asking you the questions. Imagine that you are working with me in the comfort of your own space, and at your own pace. Get yourself a coaching journal and keep track of all your work in this one place. This way you will be able to refer to your insights and map them across to different relationships.
Take your time, and remember that the real outcome is growth, and creating the changes you want. There have been many times when clients will take time with a certain area, and that’s okay. There is no hurry, no judgement, and nothing to prove. You may want a relationship to change very quickly, but remember that changes can take time. Be honest, but compassionate with yourself as you navigate through this journey.



SAYEDA HABIB is a certified and credentialed coach who has been coaching Muslims since 2003. She is qualified in EMDR, NLP, and Neuroscience-based coaching. She offers personal coaching, workshops, and online courses and has been featured on television and radio. For further information, hop on to her website

Discover the Best in Your Relationships: Life Coaching for Muslims - 9781847741639 - Paperback - Kube Publishing

Sayed Habib Kube Publishing

Also available 'Discover the Best in You! Life Coaching for Muslims'