Submissions - Do's and Don'ts

As Salaam Alaykum and Hello, from the editors!

If you're interested in submitting your manuscript with us, please take a look at our brief Do's and Don'ts guide.


  • Do follow our in-house guidelines!
  • Do read your submission out loud and hear what is being said. This will help with the flow and visualization of the text.
  • Do put in the extra effort to ensure that spelling, grammar and punctuation is correct in your manuscript. 
  • Do be patient. It typically takes 6-9+ months to consider manuscripts, we may send the proposal to the team or externally for further feedback, which may result in delays, sorry!
  • Do be cooperative, we acknowledge how much your idea means to you but there may be adjustments or tweaks to be made, to help you create a better book.
  • For children's books; do make sure the text is fun and enjoyable to read, we want books with a good underlying message. As the books are intended for children it is important for them to be able to relate to the scenarios and characters, with the overall story being both engaging and entertaining.


  • Don’t submit books not about Islam, Muslims or Faith in general. We are a faith based publisher specialising in Islam and the Muslim world.
  • Don’t suggest an idea that is too similar to another book or series, or whatever is already easily available. We cherish and value unique ideas.
  • Don’t overlook your submission. Proposals with not enough information, minimal effort, poor grammar are unlikely to be considered.
  • Don’t rush, publishing a book takes a long time and we're usually working 2-4 years in advance, which means we may need more time to work on the book, even if your proposal has been accepted.
  • Don’t bother the team, please! We editors work remotely and manage submissions only through submittable, calling or emailing the office or messaging us on social media is not by any means a method to get an update or feedback.
  • Don't expect feedback unfortunately, due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we're not in a position to provide further feedback or tips if we decline your submission.

Submit your manuscript!