Books to help you understand the Qur'an!
Alongside our Qur'ans we publish various texts to help you study, reflect and ponder upon the Holy book, scroll below to have a look at what we have to offer.
Daily Wisdom: Selections from the Holy Qur'an
A perfect pick me up to reflect on the verses of the Qur'an. This beautiful presentation of the Holy Quran engages the reader in a moment daily reflection. With 365 verses covering the whole year, this is a must for every home.
Quran and its Study
The present work represents one of the finest contemporary examples of Qur’anic scholarship written by a scholar who has spent a lifetime studying and teaching Qur’anic studies. In the course of five rich sections, Prof Adnan Zarzour considers an incredible range of topics including the nature of Qur’anic revelation, the history of the Qur’an’s compilation, an exploration of the Qur’an’s language, style and the nature of its stylistic inimitability and artistic features.
Other themes explored here include the impact of the Qur’an on Islamic civilisation, as well as the various classical sub disciplines of Qur’anic studies, including the study of the variant readings (qirā’āt), the reasons for revelation (asbāb al-nuzūl), and abrogation (naskh).

Treasures of the Qur'an
The first group of Surahs in the Qur'an (al-Fatihah, al-Baqarah, al ‘Imran, al-Nisa’ and al-Ma’idah) are introduced and examined in this title, with the author looking at their structure and major themes. The central theme of which is conferring the status of ummah (Muslim community) on the believers, to which a new Shariah (legal guidance) was given; a complete code of life was promulgated.
Written in a clear and simple manner this book offers much valuable material, as well as explanatory notes and key words. It is suitable for readers interested in the Islamic vision in the Qur’an.
Four Key Concepts
This book elucidates these basic Qur’anic concepts: ilah, Rabb, Ibadah and Din in order to bring out fully the Islamic way of life, as distinct from other perspectives. This elaboration goes a long way in developing a sound understanding of the Qur’an. It also explains the man-God relationship in Islam, guiding Muslims on how to lead their lives in total surrender to Allah.
Women in the Quran
With few female commentators on the meaning of the Qur’an and an overreliance on the readings of the Qur’an compiled centuries ago in different circumstances to today, this message is often lost. By acknowledging the systemic injustice frequently experienced by Muslim women in today’s societies in the name of religion; and also rejecting a perspective that seeks to promote Western values as the only means of liberating them, the author is able to define a third way. One in which their refusal to remain silent in the face of injustice is an act of devotion and their demand for reform, within the guidelines laid out by God, will lead to liberation.
The Qur'an an eternal challenge
A valuable work for gaining a better understanding of the Quran. Demonstrates how the Quran stands out as a divine work, surpassing all products of the human mind.
Ulum-ul Qur'an
The first survey of this important subject in English. This exceptionally clear and helpful introduction to the study of the Qur’an is free of jargon and contains a large number of facts and insights regarding the Scripture of Islam.
Way to the Qur'an
An authoritative and accessible study guide that covers what the Book means to the believers and sets out the essential prerequisites of body, mind, and heart that serve to light up the inner life with the Qur’anic worldview; the etiquette of reciting, reading, and understanding the Qur’an; how to study the Qur’an collectively; and how to live by its teachings.
Quranic Keywords: A Reference Guide
Quranic Keywords: A Reference Guide provides a concise and authoritative guide to over 140 keywords in the Qur’an. The full meanings of each keyword are given, with Qur’anic citations, and discussion of allied and related terms to be found in the Holy Book. This is an ideal guide for students of the Qur’an at both beginner and intermediate levels, with helpful indexes of Arabic and English terms.