Women’s Emancipation during the Prophet’s Lifetime Series Volume 1-8


This 8 volume series is the author’s abridged version of his longer work with the same Arabic title, Tahrir al-Mar’ah fi ‘Asr al-Risalah spanning a twenty-five year study comprising fourteen great anthologies of ahadith, but in this book he only rarely includes hadiths from any anthology other than the two most authentic ones of al-Bukhari and Muslim. The series illustrates the status of the Muslim woman in Islam which differs from what is assumed in society today. 


The Character of the Muslim Woman

Muslim Woman's Participation in Social Life

Muslim Woman's Participation in Professional, Political and Social Life

Muslim Woman's Attire and Adornment

The Debate On the Rule of Cause Prevention and its Strict implementation

The Debate Participation in Social Life and Face Uncovering

The Muslim Family and the Woman's Position

Sex Education for Husband and Wife



The Character of the Muslim Woman

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) established complete equality between men and women as he said, "Women are full sisters of men".

Yet both have their respective special functions. This volume draws out the features of the Muslim woman's character as outlined in the Qur'an and Sunnah. It shows that much of what we imagine to be Islamic rulings are no more than social traditions.


Muslim Woman's Participation in Social Life

In volume 2, the author shows that mixed social life was the pattern in the early Muslim society established by the Prophet.


Muslim Woman's Participation in Mixed Social Life

In volume 3, the author showcases women's participation in politics and professions in the early Muslim society established by the Prophet.


Muslim Woman's Attire and Adornment

In Volume 4, the author shows that Islam honours women in all that it makes permissible for a Muslim woman to wear and with what she may adorn herself.


The Debate On the Rule of Cause Prevention and its Strict implementation

In this volume the author devotes this volume to a debate concerning the application of the rule of cause prevention. He shows that a strict and extremist application has been the reason for many restrictions that social tradition in many Muslim countries have imposed on women, depriving them of much that is permissible in Islam.

He cites clear evidence confirming that women’s full participation in social life was part of the Prophet’s guidance. His approach is always balanced between the freedom Islam gives to women’s participation in life’s activities and the need to adhere to Islamic regulations and values concerning attire and behaviour.


The Debate - Participation in Social Life and Face Uncovering

In this volume of his work, the author starts a debate taking two full volumes to answer the objections that are often raised concerning social mixing and keeping a woman's face uncovered in Muslim society. This is a tradition in Islamic studies, when scholars present their views in opposition to other scholarly views.

They state the view they disagree with, showing its basis and the arguments that are stated in its support before responding to it. The author gives an in-depth study showing that the rulings that were specific to the Prophet's wives are not addressed to other women. Therefore, emulating the Prophet's wives in these particular aspects is neither required nor recommended.


The Muslim Family and the Woman's Position

In this volume, the author highlights the rights relevant to marriage. These include the right of all young men and women to early marriage. They are entitled to state help to achieve this. We learn in this volume that the woman has the full right to choose her husband and the right to terminate her marriage. The author lays strong and needed emphasis on the fact that Islam gives men and women equal rights in their marriage and family life. As he discusses divorce and polygamy, he stresses the Islamic manners and controls that apply to both.

Sex Education for Husband and Wife

This volume covers an area which most Muslims normally feel shy to talk about. However, the author shows that the Prophet’s guidance provides an open approach to a natural desire that needs to be satisfied so that life goes on easily and smoothly. Islam disapproves of ignoring sexual desires or suppressing them
in an attempt to achieve spiritual elevation and excellence.

In his approach, based on clear understanding of the Qur’an and the Hadith, the author shows that the lawful satisfaction of the sexual desire earns a believer God’s reward. Moreover, he shows  that the Prophet’s conduct provides perfect sex education, in the same way as his conduct in other areas shows us the best
approach to take in life.


Abd al-Haleem Abu Shuqqah (d.1995) was a great teacher and scholar. He had a real passion to revive the true Islamic spirit in the ummah and dedicated his life to learning and teaching. He taught in Egypt, Syria, Qatar and Kuwait. His particular focus was on Hadith studies.